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Get Up And Running With Grunt

    In this article, we’ll explore how to use Grunt in a project to speed up and change the way you develop websites. We’ll look briefly at what Grunt can do, before jumping into how to set up and use its various plugins to do all of the heavy lifting in a project. We’ll then look at how to build a simple input validator, using Sass as a preprocessor, how to use grunt-cssc and CssMin to combine and minify our CSS, how to use HTMLHint to make sure our HTML is written correctly, and how to build our compressed assets on the fly. Lastly, we’ll look at using UglifyJS  to reduce the size of our JavaScript and ensure that our website uses as little bandwidth as possible. Grunt.js is a JavaScript task runner that helps you perform repetitive tasks such as minification, compilation, unit testing or linting. Getting Started With Grunt Most developers would agree that the speed and pace of JavaScript development over the last few years has been pretty astounding.

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